Thursday, October 30, 2008

More thoughts on The Graveyard

Okay, now that I've gotten over the initial fanboy gushing about a new Neil Gaiman book, I can perhaps give more rational and reasoned reflection about the book so far.

I'm up to page 77, which puts me in the midst of Chapter 3. One thing I've always enjoyed about Gaiman books is that I've often found some reference to some other piece of literature or other form of art that sends me off on a search, and The Graveyard Book is no exception. The appearance of The Lady on the Grey and the deference the ghosts paid her sent me on a search, which led me to a story by John Collier. Whether the lady in Collier's story bears a connection to the one in Gaiman's book remains to be seen, so stay tuned for more on that.

There are a few more questions, especially regarding Silas. I'm curious to discover what, exactly, he is. Being Gaiman, I'm sure I will not be disappointed.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Best quote from The Graveyard Book so far

Once again, Neil Gaiman hits a home run. I'm only 25 pages into The Graveyard Book, and I am really enjoying it. Favorite quote so far:

"'It is going to take more than just a couple of good-hearted souls to raise this child. It will,' said Silas, 'take a graveyard.'"

Best spoof of "it takes a village" I've heard yet. The man is brilliant... brilliant I tell you!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

1st meeting and 1st book

We had our first meeting on the 15th, and we have a good-sized club, including three members who will be participating online for a while since they are involved in the drama club and will have to be going to rehearsals instead of being able to attend book club meetings... one more advantage of the internet!

So we've decided to read a book together, and we've decided on Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book, which is perfect for an October read.

Our next meeting is set for October 29, which is when we'll start reading the book. Check back here for questions and discussions about it.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

1st meeting

Our first meeting is scheduled for after school on October 15. We already have one partner for the club, too! The Boulder Bookstore has signed up to help us out, and we'll be meeting with them next week to figure out what that partnership will look like. Can't wait!